Articles from Renadyl and Kibow Biotech.
We’ve compiled a number of articles to help educate, inspire, and bring hope to those living with kidney issues and their caregivers.
Diet in Kidney Disease – Avoid Star Fruit
Anyone with kidney problems should know they must avoid the fruit. But why and how? Well, star fruit hurts kidneys!
Dialysis and a High Protein Diet
As protein creates more waste products for the kidney to filter, a reduced protein diet will help reduce the stress on the kidneys.
How to Slow Down the Progression of Kidney Disease
Wondering how to control your uric acid and kidney function? It’s all about following your healthcare recommended diet.
Keeping Your Fistula Running for Years to Come
The most common place to put a fistula is in the forearm of the non-dominant hand. Since I’m right-handed, my fistula is in the forearm of my left hand.
Kidney Problems and Alkaline Foods
Let’s discuss Alkaline foods for kidney problems. What are they, why are they better than acidic foods, and which should you choose?
All Bacteria Are Not Created Alike
Dr. Henderson explains the importance of specific strains of bacteria for therapeutic efficacy, answering some of the frequent questions patients bring up in her practice as a naturopathic physician.