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Managing Diabetes & Kidney Problems

How to keep your diabetes under control

Although life with diabetes may not be exactly the same as you are used to, the changes that you will need to make to control your disease are not enormous. Best of all, implementing these changes can help prevent future complications and help you look and feel better.

Depending on the type of diabetes you have (type 1 or type 2), you may need the help of oral medications or insulin injections to help keep your blood glucose levels within or close to a normal range. In addition, exercise and the right diet can help keep your blood pressure down, your weight down, and your spirit up. You don’t have to start running marathons or become a body builder. Start small, stay active, and work your way up to a place where you feel healthy

Renadyl™️ | Natural Supplements for Kidneys | Made in USA

Eating smart

When it comes to making good dietary decisions, just remember that a balanced diet is essential to getting the necessary vitamins and minerals to keep your body healthy. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Create colorful plates—dishes with a lot of color normally provide a wide range of nutrition
  2. Plenty of fruits and vegetables—these can provide fiber and essential vitamins and nutrients
  3. Lean protein—as opposed to red meats, lean protein from poultry or fish can help keep your cholesterol down
  4. Whole grains—these are high in fiber and can help improve blood glucose levels and cholesterol levels
  5. Monitor your carbohydrate intake—carbohydrates can have a big impact on blood glucose levels and if eaten too often cause them to rise
  6. Talk to a nutritionist—they can provide a meal plan and offer more insight into what foods will help you feel your best
Reducing the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Diet and exercise can help keep your diabetes under control, as well as help maintain proper kidney health. When you combine these new healthy habits with the right probiotics to help support kidney function, you are giving yourself the best chance at avoiding the development of CKD. Most of the changes you need to make are changes that every person would benefit from, whether they have diabetes or not. By making a conscious effort to maintain kidney health with a supplement that contains probiotics and controlling your diabetes with medication, diet, and exercise, you are setting yourself up for a healthier life.


“For my patients, Renadyl™ has improved their quality of life. It’s improved their numbers, it’s made them feel better and I believe it’s also helping other markers of total body health: lower uric acid, helping with gout, help lower high blood pressure.”
- Dr. Richard Snyder
(D.O., Nephrology)
How Renadyl™ helps with its Proprietary Probiotics
Renadyl™ is a patented and proprietary probiotics dietary supplement that has been scientifically formulated and clinically tested. Renadyl™ metabolizes nitrogenous waste that has diffused from the bloodstream into the bowel. Nitrogenous wastes are utilized by Renadyl™ as nutrients. As probiotics grow and multiply, they consume more nitrogenous waste and therefore effectively help maintain healthy kidney function. The nitrogenous metabolites are eliminated as solid waste/fecal matter.
Every Capsule of Renadyl™ contains..
45 Billion CFUs
High concentration of probiotic microbes aka Colony-forming Units (CFUs)
2 Prebiotic Fibers
to promote the growth of the probiotics found in Renadyl™ and your own beneficial gut microbes.
3 Proprietary Strains
of helpful Bacteria selected by science for their ability to metabolize nitrogenous waste.

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