Kidney-Friendly Protein Tips

kidney-friendly protein

If you have kidney problems, you’re probably wondering how to incorporate protein into your diet. Registered dietician and renal nutrition specialist Jen Hernandez is here to share 3 kidney-friendly protein tips!

But first…

What is Protein and Why do We Need it? 

Protein is one of the three important macro ingredients that humans need for survival. Fat and carbohydrates are the other two. Unlike those two, protein needs to be consumed daily. Besides providing amino acids and energy, protein also helps build bones, muscles, and body tissues. It even assists with important metabolic functions, cellular repair, and plays a role in immune reactions. (1)

Try Kidney-Friendly Plant-Based Protein

Some great kidney-friendly protein options include soy products, beans, lentils, and legumes. The following chart will help you get a sense of how much protein they provide. Please remember that these numbers can change based on brand, serving size, and product type. It is also important to check the sodium, potassium, phosphorus, fat, and carbohydrates per serving. 

Tofu: 3oz = 7g protein

Edamame: 4oz = 11g protein

tempeh: 3oz = 16g protein

Garbanzo Beans: 4oz = 6g protein 

Lentils: 4oz = 17g protein  

Legumes (Cashews): 3oz = 15 g protein

Skip the Shakes and Powders 

Shakes and powders can be high in protein but also high in fat and sugars. Additionally, there may be added ingredients and chemicals. Speak with your healthcare provider or renal dietitian about the risk and benefits of these products in relation to your condition. 

The TakeAway 

Your protein needs are unique to you! Body type, size, age, sex, and health conditions all play a role. Be sure to speak with a healthcare professional or registered dietician. They’ll be able to give you the best kidney-friendly protein guidelines.

Works Cited

(1) How Important Is Protein? (2018, July 30). Retrieved July 14, 2020, from